Tuesday 19 August 2014

Alum, Zinc Views 19-Aug-2014

If alum supported by 120.50, we can see upside retracement. upside targets are:  122.50, 122.9, 123.5, 123.7, 123.9, 124.3, 124.4.
But I expect some down side correction now.
For any long, strict SL 120.40 for the above targets.
Reversal from any of the above levels, we will see 120.50 first.

If Zinc supported by 137.60, we may see upside correction. upside targets are: 139.15, 139.45, 139.7, 140, 140.65, 141, 141.6, 142.2, 143.3.  Reversal from any of these levels, we will see 137.60 first.

Positional Downside targets:
Alum:120.50, 119.4, 118.7, 117.5
Zinc: 137.60, 135.5, 134.15, 131.95.

If alum crosses 125.45 and zinc 146.95, these views are invalid. And we can expect big upside move.

Alum Long Stop: 120.4
Alum Short Stop: 125.55

Zinc Long Stop: 137.5
Zinc Short Stop: 147.05