Monday 22 December 2014

Some DO's and DON'Ts

Some DO's and DON'Ts
1. DON'T trade without STOP LOSS.
2. DON'T OVERTRADE. By doing so, you are increasing your RISK.
3. DON'T try to recover from loss immediately. If you do so, there is a possiblility of loosing more and more or may be full of your capital.

1. Fix your Profit/Loss per day (3k/5k/10k/20k/50k etc... based on your capital). Don't trade if your limit reached (profit or loss)
2. Try to trade with full margin instead of going for exposure. More the EXPOSURE More the PAIN.
3. If you follow some advisor, always follow the same person (Don't shift advisor if you face losses. If you do so, you may face the same with the new advisor).
4. Trading is not an one day event, It will be there tomorrow/next week/next month/next year/ next decade/next millenium ... (Slow and Steady win's the race).
5. Whenever possible, try to modify your stop loss (TSL - Trailing Stop Loss)
6. Try to learn while you trading/following some advisor. Because advisors will not come along with you full time over a period of time.
7. Loosing money in the market is very easy BUT earning is difficult and it is slow process.