Monday 11 April 2016

Positional Calls 11-Apr-2016

14-Apr-2014 5:30 AM IST
Market update:
Cmp 41.74$
Res: 42.46$
Support: 41.49/41.2$
Base support: 39.3$

Still res 42.46/.55 holds.
Made high: 42.39 till now.

As long as res holds, crude is in bear trend. Tomorrow's close will decide on the main trend.

No change in my views. Still I expect to see lower lows.

If crude breaks 42.46$, next 43.5/44$ can be seen.

Break of 41.49$ needed for sellers n break of 42.46$ needed for buyers.

For now, sl for any sell is 42.55$ strict.

13-Apr-2016 4:37 AM IST:
Crude broken all resistances and made high 42.23$ till now.

Upside all targets done at 41.5 n made high 42.23$.

Last res: 42.46$ but I don't think it will hold n sell view might fail.

So can exit sell at cmp 41.6 or on dips. No holding above 42.55$ strict.
Crude can fall after making new high. But as per my analysis, no holding above 42.46/42.55$ strict.

Now need to reanalyse this chart.

Alternate scenario on 19-Mar-2016

As per this scenario, we may see 43.4/44.5 above 42.46$.

6:41 pm IST: Small sl 40.95$, big sl 42.55$

Crude done normal target on the upside at 40.7-40.9$, made high 40.89 till now.

Upside next target can be 41.5$

Can expect fall at anytime. Safe buyers can book profits now or on next high.


My view still bearish. Cmp 40.44$

3.41 pm ist: Fresh sell can be at cmp 40.71$ or on next high, max sl 42.55$. Safe sell below 40.34/40.05$.

Any break of 42.55$, this view invalid.

10:06 PM IST.
Now, Crude safe sell is only below 39.24$ with max sl 42.55$.
High risky play can be at cmp 40.33 or on rise, with max sl 42.55$.

MCX cmp 2682, SL 2827 max.


[4/11, 15:47] KC Raj MMB: ACTIVE CALLS:
[4/8, 8:41 PM] Arockia:
My present view 08-Apr-2016:
Sell 2minis at cmp 2645, and add 2 minis between 2670-2680, 2700-2720, 2750-2770 if you get.
SL 2821 max.
Tgts: 2355, 2183, 2081, 1805, 1655, 1389.
View valid as long as 2821 holds.

[4/11, 15:47] KC Raj MMB: CALL 2:
[4/10, 10:41 AM] Arockia: BIG POSITIONAL CALL:
Sell 1crude mini AUGUST at cmp 2933/50, sl 3201, tgt 1389/999
233 pts risk.
1544pts tgt.
All the best.

[4/11, 15:47] KC Raj MMB: CALL 3:
Trade Idea:
1. Buy Zinc on dips with max sl 116, for 118 (hit 12-Apr-2016, high 119.05 till now), 119.3 (hit 12-Apr-2016, high 119.6 till now), 120.5(hit 12-Apr-2016, high 120.5 till now).
2. Sell between 120-122, max sl 124.55, tgts: 115.6, 113.8, 112, 109.3, 107.3, 105.
2a. Sell below 115.6.
3. Buy between 107-100, SL 96.55, TGTs: 124.3, 133.
3a. Buy above 124.55
This analysis is for Study purpose only.
Read Disclaimer if you want to trade based on this.

[4/11, 15:47] KC Raj MMB: CALL 4:
[4/11, 10:34 AM] Arockia: Lead analysis 10-Apr-2016
Cmp 113.65
Res: 127.8/138.3
As long as 127.8 resists, sell on rise between 120-124, max sl 127.9 for 102, 95, 83.