Sunday 1 June 2014

Crude View 2-June-2014


Crude Up Move:

If 6055 supports, we can see up move, upside targets are: 6139, 6192, 6276, 6348.
Buy on dips, with strict SL 6040. Best entry 6100-6080. If 6077 broken, Buy will be invalid.

Crude Down Move:

If 6139 restricts, we can see down move, downside targets are: 6077, 6055-6040, 6031-6020, 5978.
Sell on rise, with Strict SL 6151. Best entry would be 6114-6110. If 6115 broken, Sell will be invalid.

Up and Down

Upside: SL 6040, Entry 6100-6080, Targets: 6139, 6192, 6276, 6348.
Downside: SL 6151, Entry 6114-6110, Targets: 6077, 6055-6040, 6031-6020, 5978.

Breakout Points1: downside: 6077, upside: 6115. min targets: 10-20pts.

Breakout Points2: downside: 6055, upside: 6139. min targets: 10-50pts.

There may be slight variations between charts. Check the charts for clear directions. Enter and Book whenever you are comfortable.

VIEWS may change when the market opens and based on the market movement.


These are my Views based on my analysis. I am not responsible for your investment or trading risks. I don't force anyone to trade based on my analysis. These are just my recommendations based on the observation from my analysis. YOUR MONEY, YOU TAKE YOUR DECISION.