Sunday 29 June 2014

MCX Crude Positional View 29-June-2014

If Crude Supported by 6333/6330, we will see 6549, 6738, 6788, 7109, 7420...

Short Up Move:
If crude supported by 6348/6333/6330, we will see, 6395, 6410, 6423, 6448, 6470, 6499+++.

Down Move
If 6410 restricts, we may see 6350/6348, 6320-6310, 6295-6280, 6250...
But for this down move crude has to break 6350/6348/6333/6318. Now these are strong support for Crude.

Before any down move, if 6350/6360 supports, I would like to see 6380-6400. Let us check tomorrow.

As of now, still my view is on the up side.