Monday 2 June 2014

Risky Crude Sell

Call 1: Sell Crude between 6130-6135, Strict SL 6145. If it crosses 6140, don't hold. TGTs 6115, 6106, 6077.CMP 6132.

Target Achieved 6115, 6106.

Call 2: Time 3:32PM IST Again  Sell at 6120-6125, SL 6140, TGT 6106, 6090-6085.
Before entry, reversed from 6117 and achieved 6106, 6090. 

Call 3: Time 4:47pm IST. Buy at 6090/6085 SL 6070, TGT 6133, 6160-6170, 6198+. Call Activated 6089.


Crude went as per my Original Analysis "Crude View 2-June-2014"

Crude Down Move:
My first is 6077 and it has been achieved.